Today’s Paolo Fox horoscope, 3rd March 2025. Let’s discover the predictions and horoscope revealed by the famous astrologer of Rai2 and “I Fatti Vostri” program for today. As always, the renowned astrologer has revealed the horoscope of the day in advance on Radio LatteMiele frequencies. Moreover, Fox’s star predictions were also revealed during the new edition of the popular Rai2 program. Let’s explore together the astrological predictions for today for those born under the water, air, earth, and fire signs. Remember, as the most followed astrologer by Italians would say, “don’t believe in the horoscope but verify it!”
The stars of this day are characterized by Mercury entering the sign of Aries, which disrupts the picture a bit. Shortly, Mars will counteract it, so it will be necessary to keep expenses in check, avoiding excess. Some bureaucratic or legal problems could put you in great difficulty and should be managed with caution. In this phase, you will tend to express your opinions more easily and directly, without any filter.
Within a few days, you could conclude a tumultuous journey to start a new, decidedly more serene phase. Purchases, news, and projects are on the way thanks to these good stars that support and protect you. The Moon enters your zodiacal space in the afternoon and will give more life to your sentimental side, even if at the moment you are more focused on professional projects than on love.
You are overcoming the negative phase at the end of February, that’s why now there will be a chance to look to the future with new eyes, provided you set aside the negativities of the past. Belonging to an air sign and therefore often oscillating between past and future, but now, it’s time to archive what was without rancor. The only downside is that you don’t feel in perfect shape. The Moon will enter the sign on 5th March, that’s why a profitable week is about to begin.
Money is a problem because you are spending too much of it. According to the horoscope of the day, Mercury is starting a particular transit that will induce you to balance incomes and expenses well. Tensions will not be lacking in love. Perhaps it would be better to talk as little as possible in this phase or spend more time outside the house than inside, to avoid creating further tensions.
At this moment, you are really ready to face crucial challenges for your future, thanks also to this splendid Mercury accompanied by Venus starting a positive transit and bringing opportunities to be seized also for those who study or have a new project to pursue. The beginning of the week will be a bit subdued, but progressively things can only improve until a brilliant Sunday arrives, especially for encounters.
At this moment, you are in a phase of slow and gradual recovery. The fact of no longer having Mercury against you represents a considerable advantage. If you are surrounded by people who do not understand your worth, now you have a strong desire to free yourself and take your own path. You are more determined, and certain negative situations that used to hurt you before now no longer affect you. You will return to carry on your ideas and give more space to imagination and your projects. At this moment, you need to show your personality in every possible and imaginable way.
Today you are a bit tired, maybe because there is some tension in the couple or in the relationships that develop in the work environment. It’s a polemic Monday for Libra, so a lot of attention will be needed. Overall, you are in a situation of great advantage. In fact, even if there may be disagreements, you will know well how to manage them and come out as winners. In love, great prudence will be needed. It would be better to avoid discussions and sterile controversies.
The stars ask you to stop to take stock of the situation and understand which way to go. It is true that the Moon is in opposition, but this will not limit your range of action. When you start a project, you usually do not want obstacles. The problem is that someone may try to put sticks in your wheels, but this should not be a problem for you. In the long run, you will be the one to win against those who try to curb your range of action.
The stars of this period see a slow recovery after a very heavy February especially from a physical and psychological point of view. Mercury will especially help work issues and put you in a position to see the future with new eyes and with greater optimism. If there are assignments to accept, a serious reflection will be needed.
At this moment, ambition and strength win as long as there is no arrogance or presumption. You will have to find the right words to address a problem that afflicts you, but without expecting too much from others. You are a bit agitated perhaps because of some controversy that has arisen within the family. You will have to pour those conflicts that arise in the family or outside into work, because otherwise the situation could become unmanageable. Try to stay away from those who always try to question you.
The sign of Aquarius will have good news in love, also thanks to the favorable Mercury. This sky will also offer great satisfactions at an emotional level starting from this early week. Your sensitivity often leads you to isolate yourself to understand what you want to do. Every now and then, you need to recharge your energies and reflect. That’s why this Monday could be the right day to take a break, think about what you want to do in the future.
A recovery phase is about to begin, which in fact started already in the middle of February. Now it will be possible to plan what was not possible to plan in this first part of the year, and this represents a great advantage for you. Jupiter will soon start an important transit that will allow you to redeem yourself or start a new phase of your life, certainly more exciting. In love, there will be ups and downs.
And that’s all for today. Are you satisfied with today’s horoscope predictions compared to yesterday’s? If not, we remind you that the appointment is for tomorrow as always for the Paolo Fox horoscope.