Le previsioni dell’oroscopo di Paolo Fox del 23 giugno 2024


The famous astrologer Paolo Fox has revealed the horoscope for today, June 23, 2024. Let’s discover the predictions and horoscope revealed by the renowned astrologer of Rai2 and the program “I Fatti Vostri” for the day. As always, the well-known astrologer has revealed the daily horoscope in preview on the frequencies of Radio LatteMiele. Not only that, Fox’s star predictions have also been revealed during the new edition of the popular Rai2 program. Let’s find out together the astrological predictions for today for those born under the water, air, earth, and fire signs. Remember, as the most followed astrologer by Italians would say, “don’t believe in horoscopes but verify!”

Be patient this weekend: you have winning stars in this second half of June but you shouldn’t be like Icarus, getting too close to the Sun risks burning you. There have been concerns that have somewhat limited you and are still conditioning you, you just have to wait a little longer because July will be much better. If there are legal issues pending, you will need to be smarter, keep your eyes open even in case of delays regarding a project.

Like never before, you should count to ten before speaking or making a choice you are not sure of (and that could be wrong), some words could annoy a person who doesn’t understand your critical and irreverent spirit, that black humor that you love so much. The risk is to raise a dust storm so be careful, it’s true that you are impatient and want to accelerate during this summer but don’t overdo it. Someone is afraid of not being able to materialize a project they have in mind.

These days bring something extra, especially for those who need to recover from a physical problem and get back in shape after a complicated period. In the second half of July, there will be very interesting stars, so try to “ferry” the situation until then. All those who have made a new acquaintance in June will carry it forward at best, it would also be a good idea to plan a nice trip and change the air. Jupiter in the sign invites to innovate at work but you are waiting for the right person to present what you have in mind.

The dissonant Moon causes some slight annoyance, which however does not affect your positive period significantly. You could get angry over an unhappy phrase from your partner but nothing alarming, in any case it is better to be cautious with words and avoid controversies (as well as giving little room for retroactive thoughts). You would like more consideration at work but the important thing is to feel good about yourself, as well as thinking positively, hence the desire to throw yourself headlong into a new project from which good news could emerge.

You are getting closer and closer to a very intriguing July when it comes to love, the advice is to look to the future with optimism and trust because you will see really beautiful things. Today the advice is not to neglect the physical and take care of yourself, especially those who have been ill or down in May. At this moment it is useful to surround yourself with the right people who can give you positive stimuli, avoid those who provoke you. Monday and Tuesday of next week will be useful days, in fact, to cut off dead branches.

You are in a reflective pause, there is a problem that has been bothering you for a few days and you are looking for the best solution to solve it. The beginning of the month was important but also tiring and made you realize how much you need to distance yourself from some people and situations, those you think are an impediment and want to put sticks in your wheels are not right for you. Less opportunistic in your circle and a great desire to start over. Revision of accounts in progress but also try to relax.

The second half of June confirms to be thoughtful, and if you have recently stirred the waters too much, you could now pay the consequences; essentially, according to the horoscope of the day, someone may feel a certain internal tension. It is true that you are facing problems that you did not provoke, especially in love, but you must be able to react and solve everything. The first step is to eliminate provocations and not carry unnecessary grudges; focus only on your life and how to live better.

June is moving with favorable stars, do not forget to show your affection to loved ones: with Mercury and Venus in excellent aspect, relationships are highly favored, and there are also moments of great passion. Those who want to reconcile with love can count on a Sunday of great value. In general, the problems of May (both physical and personal) seem to be almost entirely overcome and now there is no space for melancholy and pessimism.

You need to regain shape and tranquility, you are coming from a too tiring period (especially mentally) and you cannot continue with these rhythms for long. Moreover, says Paolo Fox, you would also need concrete help, too many oppositions have created problems to which you daily try to find solutions. Do not drag this agitation into love, but if something broke with your partner (perhaps due to boredom) remember that everything is recoverable if there is really the will. This remains a phase of total revision both in feelings and friendships, some things need to be necessarily fixed.

The Moon is in transit in this sign, which is good because it brings advantages, but first you have to recover energies, otherwise it will all be useless. Someone has already received a reconfirmation, or has received good news, but for some reason feels against everyone. Including the partner with whom there could be moments of strong tension (especially if there was a crisis in April). The strongest couples, in which there is also friendship between spouses, will withstand everything and will be able to turn things in their favor by starting to think about a project like living together or getting married.

It would be advisable to overcome the contradictions you experienced in May, such as wanting to end a story (or any relationship) that is still in place for no apparent reason. You are becoming more and more intolerant, precisely because of impatience, and you need to intervene as soon as possible. However, there are also those who now seem to be more welcoming and accommodating because perhaps they have solved their problems and live the present with more optimism. Good news for singles, in these days, encounters are favored, but shake off paranoias, jealousies, and desires for exclusive “possession.”

You are determined, energetic, and tenacious, for a few days, you are finally feeling better and want to regain altitude. Do not say “no” to proposals that come at the moment, if there is an agreement in the balance for some time, it would be best to come to fruition by June 30. If there is a person you are interested in meeting, do it by Sunday, do not underestimate new loves and friendships. Also because this Sunday, indeed, rekindles passion, brings good intuitions, and even premonitory dreams.

That’s all for today. Are you satisfied with today’s horoscope predictions compared to yesterday’s? If not, remember that the appointment is for tomorrow as always.