Oroscopo Paolo Fox del 31 luglio 2024: previsioni astrologiche giornaliere


Today’s Paolo Fox horoscope, July 31, 2024. Let’s discover the predictions and horoscope revealed by the famous astrologer of Rai2 and the program “I Fatti Vostri” for today. As always, the renowned astrologer has revealed the horoscope of the day in advance on the frequencies of Radio LatteMiele. Not only that, Fox’s star predictions were also revealed during the new edition of the popular Rai2 program. Let’s find out together the astrological predictions for today for those born under the signs of water, air, earth, and fire. Remember, as the most followed astrologer by Italians would say, “don’t believe in the horoscope but verify!”

The stars of this period are very generous, especially when it comes to love. Solid relationships will be confirmed, but even those that have recently wavered a bit could find a certain harmony again. Even those who are doing a less gratifying job should try to resist and move forward, as soon a turning point that you have been waiting for could occur. All projects that start during this period could have a good light and great prospects for realization.

Venus returns active in the sign and this will make you decidedly more passionate and help you let go more. Even if to others you may appear a bit cold and detached, in reality, this is a shield you build to avoid suffering or getting attached to people who can betray you. Anxiety and fear of losing your job will grow in people working on a fixed-term contract. In the family, try to avoid sterile arguments.

If there is little clarity in the couple, now is the time to understand what is happening. It is better to have a clarifying face-to-face, even tough, rather than dragging on a story that doesn’t work. Try to weigh well your choices that mainly concern work. Do not let yourself be driven by haste or nervousness, otherwise you risk making mistakes that could have serious repercussions on your financial sphere.

Both loves and friendships that arise during this period could have very interesting developments, thanks to these stars that protect interpersonal relationships. According to the horoscope of the day, heavy and important new assignments are coming for those who have a good resume. The beginning of the week will see you a bit distracted and scattered, perhaps because you need a nice holiday to recharge your batteries.

With these stars, it will be easier to get important confirmations or achieve important successes at work and beyond. This particularly positive period for love will allow you to recover, especially if lately there has been some argument with your significant other. From a financial point of view, you are looking for immediate and determined solutions. Maybe it’s worth taking a risk if you really believe that an investment could bring you profits.

Important expenses are coming for children and the house. Those who recently ended a relationship are now trying to find a new love, while couples who have argued a lot are now trying to revive the relationship or find harmony again. Soon, according to Paolo Fox’s horoscope, you will find yourself in a position where you will have to face an important change that could also involve work. Jupiter’s contrary transit could cause some small problems. You should try to move away from all those situations that are no longer pleasing to you.

Active transit Venus makes you much more available and generous towards others. That nervousness of a few weeks ago now seems to have disappeared into thin air. There will also be the possibility of experiencing new loves and putting aside all those negative situations in your life that characterized the first part of 2024. Some unedifying family situations have stressed your physical health a bit. Maybe it would be a good idea to unplug and take a nice pleasure trip.

The early days of August will be very favorable especially for those looking for a new love story. According to the horoscope of the day, even for couples in crisis, a phase is about to come where it will be easier to find harmony and the desire to be together. The work ideas that arise during this period could be very profitable. An important encounter could suggest you some strategies you had never thought of before. A recovery phase also regarding physical fitness.

For the most fragile couples, the time for a redde rationem may have come. Even in the most solid couples, clarity will be needed to understand which way you want to go and what you want to build. If a love story no longer works, now you could be the one to say enough once and for all. There is a turning point at work. If you are doing a job that does not satisfy you at all, now you will have a strong desire to change and turn the corner. Jupiter in opposition could bring back some small health problems.

August will be a very favorable month for those who want to start a new love story or for those who want to sublimate the current love story. There will also be a chance to forgive someone who has not behaved very well towards you. Even from an emotional and sentimental point of view, there is a wind of change in your life. You will be very generous especially with the people around you, and this will be much appreciated. The beginning of August will be a bit stressful for those who remain at work. Try not to get too agitated.

The next few days could bring to light some misunderstandings of various kinds with the people around you, especially if they are family members. If you live as a couple, there will be a way to find the desire and the will to love. If you have set yourself the goal of carrying on a project, you should understand if you have the money you need to achieve your goals. From a physical point of view, you could feel some stress, also because there will be many important things to do. Try to rest more and occasionally give yourself a carefree moment.

An important person could push you too hard and this could put you in crisis. You could also decide to test a love to understand what the true feelings are of those close to you. According to the horoscope of the day, you will be a little worried about the fate of a project that you care about. Jupiter could force you to review some plans or to go back on your steps if a certain issue does not convince you at all.

And that’s all for today. Are you satisfied with the predictions of today’s horoscope compared to yesterday’s? If not, remember that the appointment is for tomorrow as always.